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Learning Web-An Archeology of NYC
Critics-Raymond Abraham &
Diane Lewis


The Cooper Union

Believing that an archeology of Manhattan should be distinct and therefore different than, for instance, an archeology of Rome, I became interested in the possibility of an “archeology of the present” of at least a very compressed time frame. I selected as a site the street, a portion of which I framed by photographing the events that occurred over the period of an hour. Of three photographed, two events where selected and superimposed to form the archeological record. A conceptual model was formulated based on the principle of the Mobius Band. The two events became correlated to the two sides of the band enabling them to retain their 2- dimensionality  and autonomy while at the same time, becoming bound up in the 3-dimentional figure of the band.

The site is the land fill on Manhattan’s West Side. A single four story tenement on the site is preserved and integrated serving as a marker an connection between the intervention and the fabric of the city.

The program became defined as a “Learning Web” in the form of a day care center where elders and children are placed in each others care.